Gucci is one of the most popular luxury fashion brands among socialites. As a result, many enthusiasts wear their bags, clothing, and accessories.
Unfortunately, many fake Gucci items can be spotted on the market. Spending your money on an item that turns out to be affected will be such a waste. So how to distinguish between an authentic and fake Gucci item?
Fake items on the market can look remarkably similar to their authentic counterparts. Apart from being extra careful, there are some steps you need to do before purchasing a branded item, such as checking the color, weight, and item serial number. If you plan to buy a Gucci item, check out the steps below to spot a fake Gucci!
How to Tell if a Gucci Item is Fake or Authentic

1. Feel the Weight
The first step to spot a fake Gucci item is by feeling the weight. This is especially useful if you are getting a Gucci bag. Every collection from Gucci has its size and dimension. With the best quality leather and hardware, authentic Gucci bags are commonly on the heavier side.
Therefore, do some research on the Gucci collection that you are planning to buy through their official website or other trusted sources. Fake Gucci bags will have a lighter weight as they are made from poor-quality materials and hardware.
2. Check the Material and Stitching
As one of the brands whose items are pricier, Gucci definitely uses high-quality materials for their items. If you plan to get a collection from Gucci, check the material used. Authentic leather will look better as time goes by.
Also, the stitchings of authentic Gucci collections are neat and well-proportioned. The threading is solid and durable. If the Gucci item you are checking has poor material and stitching, it is likely fake.
3. Check the Logo, Pattern, and Design
Every brand has its signature logo, including Gucci. Theirs is a set of letters “G”s that face and overlap each other. Another signature design in Gucci collections is the green and red line in the middle. Check for this logo and the pattern and design of the Gucci item you plan to buy.
The placement of the logo should be proportional and on the best-quality hardware. If it is out of proportion, the material is peeled, or the sizing is off, it is definitely a fake.
4. Check the Serial Number
Checking the serial number can help you spot a fake Gucci. Every luxury brand has a serial number for its items as proof of authenticity. You need to know the serial number for the item, as the fake will not have it.
You can find the serial number inside the bag and compare it with the one on Gucci’s official website. In addition, it will show information about the item, such as item type, material, and more.
5. Dust Bag and Box
The next step to check for an item’s authenticity is checking the dust bag and box. Every luxury item is packed in a high-quality dust bag and box. Luxury brands usually have heavier dust bag. The box will also match the color and size of its store item.
If you find that the Gucci item you are holding has a thin dust bag or an oversized box, it is most likely fake. This is something you want to avoid for sure!
6. Authenticity Card
The next step to differentiate an authentic and fake Gucci is checking the authenticity card. An authenticity card shows that the item you get is original. Apart from having information about the Gucci item based on multiple sources, Gucci authenticity cards come in several designs.
To further prove the originality of the item, check the quality of the authenticity card. Observe the text, spacing, and printing, as real Gucci authenticity cards will have proper quality and well-proportioned texts and designs.
Discover Collections from Gucci and Other Popular Brands at Luxehouze
You can use the steps above to help you spot a fake Gucci item when you get a secondhand collection from branded item sellers. In addition, you can protect yourself from being scammed with a counterfeit item. Most importantly, choose a trusted seller or distributor. One of the marketplaces for authentic branded items is Luxehouze.
Luxehouze offers various branded collections, such as bags and watches. You can also find authentic Gucci collections here. All Luxehouze items have undergone strict quality control and are guaranteed authenticity and quality, with the best prices on the market.
Aside from Gucci, you can also find luxury items from Hermes, Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, and many more. Check out our collections and discover the luxury item of your dreams here!