Raya is the perfect time to refine a signature look that truly represents who you are. After a month of reflection, now is the moment to step out with confidence, complemented by an accessory that enhances your style and speaks to your character.
For many watch enthusiasts, TAG Heuer and Tudor are the ideal entry points into the world of luxury timepieces. TAG Heuer blends sporty aesthetics with sophistication, while Tudor offers exceptional Swiss craftsmanship at an incredible value. With this exclusive offer, there’s no better time to own one.
Now, you can enjoy savings of up to SGD 149 on all ready-stock TAG Heuer and Tudor timepieces. Plus, every pre-order purchase comes with a complimentary watch strap to keep your timepiece in pristine condition.
Your watch is more than just an accessory because it’s a statement that leaves a lasting impression.
This special offer is only available until April 9, 2025. Don’t miss out and secure your exclusive deal now at Luxehouze!