Besides selling preloved luxury goods at Luxehouze, you can also earn more and enjoy special privileges by participating in our LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program. If you’re passionate about the luxury goods industry and looking to make additional profits, apply to be our affiliate today. Read more to learn about the advantages and how to join the program.
Why You Should Join LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program?
Here are at least four reasons why you should consider joining our LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program. By becoming an affiliate, you will get certain advantages, such as:
1. Shop with exclusive VIP pricing
Once you become an affiliate of Luxehouze, you will be granted VIP status. VIPs are entitled to purchase items on our marketplace at discounted prices. This means you can save money when buying certain products from us.
2. Get up to 5% commission
Our affiliate program offers up to 5% commission for every purchase made with your affiliate promo code. In addition to getting products at VIP prices, our affiliate members also receive this benefit. We encourage you to share your promo code with your audience so that both you and they can benefit from it.
3. Be the first to know about our promotion
Luxehouze regularly offers promotions for special occasions, such as payday sales and discounts for new items. Our affiliate members will always be the first to know about these promotions, so you can share the news with your audience and help them get the best deals.
4. Join exclusive events
As an affiliate, you will have the opportunity to explore potential event opportunities and activations with the Luxehouze team. You can also attend our private and exclusive events as our guests. This is a great way to connect with your audience and build relationships with other notable personas in the luxury goods space.
How to Join LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program
Interested in joining our LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program? Here are five easy steps to apply:
1. Fill in the application form
First, you will need to contact Luxehouze’s team to inform us that you are interested in becoming an affiliate. You can reach us by filling out the affiliate application form.
2. Get verified
Once you complete the form, kindly wait until our team contacts you to notify your approval. We will review and verify your personal data in up to seven working days. One of the main aspects we will consider is your number of followers, which needs to have at least 2.000 followers.
3. Get Affiliate Promo Code
If you’re verified and officially become part of LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program, you will receive a promo code to share with your audiences. With this code, your audience can purchase at Luxehouze at a specific price.
4. Start promoting
Promote your code so more audiences are interested in using them. You will also get a special commission every time they use the code, so the more you promote it, the better.
We suggest all affiliate members use social media for their promotion. You can post two IG reels, two IG feeds, and eight IG stories published every six months.
5. Get paid
Sit back and relax! If you’re done promoting, it’s only a matter of time until your audiences use your promo code and shop at Luxehouze so that you will get up to 5% commission for every purchase.
Tips to Encourage Your Audience To Use Promo Code
Promoting your affiliate code will get easier once you know what message to deliver to your audiences. Be sure to highlight the advantages of buying luxury goods at Luxehouze. Here is some information you can share with your audiences to communicate with them effectively.
1. 100% guaranteed authenticity
Ensuring the goods you’re about to buy are genuine is essential. Luxehouze guarantees all products to be 100% authentic through a thorough checking process, both for brand new or preloved items.
2. Best price
Besides authenticity, Luxehouze guarantees the best price for every luxury watch and bag. Ensure your audiences save more by shopping at Luxehouze, especially when using an affiliate promo code.
3. Wide collection
Whether you’re looking for watches or bags, Luxehouze has a vast collection of luxury items from many brands. Feel free to browse our marketplace to find your desired items.
There are a lot of benefits you can get if you become our affiliate member. Apply to our LUXEFRIENDS Affiliate Program now and enjoy a bunch of privileges you won’t get anywhere!