If you’re looking to earn some extra cash, why don’t you sell your preloved collections with us? Besides selling luxury products, Luxehouze also accepts used goods through three selling methods: consignment, direct selling, or trade-in.
There are many reasons to sell an old collection. It could be because you are bored and want to replace it with a new product, need additional space in your storage, or are trying to get extra earnings from your investment in luxury goods.
Whatever the reason, selling your goods on Luxehouze is worth trying. There will be many benefits when you market your product at Luxehouze. See more details on our selling guide in this article!
Why Should You Sell With Us?
Choosing the right selling place is essential when you’re trying to sell luxury goods. By selling on Luxehouze, you will get special benefits, such as:
1. Sell fast
One of the most challenging things about selling used luxury goods is finding the right potential buyers, especially since luxury goods have a niche market segment limited to specific customers.
Selling your item on a conventional secondhand marketplace is not an option, as buyers usually look for functional items that can be obtained at meager prices. This is where Luxehouze comes into play.
As a leading luxury goods marketplace, Luxehouze can help you to connect with thousands of Asia’s collectors easily. Through us, you can reach the right prospective buyers and sell your item in no time.
2. Sell with ease
Selling involves a complicated process, from marketing your products to reaching prospective customers, negotiating, and delivering the product safely. As a seller, you have to provide the best service during the transaction.
This process can be challenging for people not used to dealing directly with buyers. Alternatively, you can ask for help from a trusted intermediary seller like Luxehouze.
Luxehouze guarantees a transparent end-to-end selling process. There will be no hidden fee other than the expenses mentioned from the start. You can also choose the best selling method according to your needs through consignment, direct selling, or trade-in.
3. Earn more
Many consider collecting luxury goods an investment, but some people need help to resell their items at reasonable costs. Some even worried about the high commission fees that need to be paid when using a third-party service.
There is no need to worry about this if you remarket your goods with Luxehouze. We offer competitive fees for consignment and will propose the best offering price for direct selling or trade-in method.
For luxury watches worth more than IDR 50,000,000, we charge a 2% fee from the selling price. However, if the item is worth less than IDR 50,000,000, we will set a 5% fee.
Furthermore, if you decide to sell your luxury bags collection, such as Hermes Birkin or Kelly, we will charge a 3% fee if the bag is worth more than IDR 50,000,000. We will set a 5% fee on the selling price for other Hermes models.
How to Get Approved as a Seller
Luxehouze provides an easy selling process, but there are a few things every prospective seller needs to make sure of before applying as a seller.
Trading luxury goods involves a process that must be followed with great care and attention to detail. Luxehouze only sells products that are guaranteed to be 100% authentic. Therefore, as a seller, you must confirm that the item you want to sell is original.
There will be strict and meticulous terms and conditions for you to be approved as a seller. After applying as a seller, our Client Advisor will conduct a thorough inspection of your goods before approving your application.
Before the inspection, there are several things you can do to ensure you are accepted as a seller, such as:
1. Take product photos with white background
A white background will show the product’s condition as a whole so that each part can be seen more clearly. This can also prevent the product from being imperceptible because the color blends into a similarly colored backdrop.
We also suggest you take photos from several angles to show each item detail clearly. Use the best tools to get high-resolution images. Based on previous sales, products with high-quality photos are proven to sell faster.
2. State all defects when applying
It is essential to be honest when you want to sell your collection with Luxehouze successfully. Mention all defects in the item when you first apply as a seller, and show all scratches or damages in your product photos.
Our Client Advisor will refer to your descriptions and photos when they inspect the product directly. Sometimes, discrepancies in the description with the original product will cause the selling request to be rejected.
3. Make sure the product is yours
Through the inspection, we will also ensure that the item you’re selling is yours. As a seller, you must be able to show proof that the good is really yours.
If you prepare all of the above, your application as a seller will likely be accepted. So, follow the selling guide carefully and enjoy reselling your collection at Luxehouze with ease.